Semestre 1, CP | VHS C/TD/TP | VHH Total C/TD/TP | V.H. hebdomadaire | Coef | Crédits | ||
C | TD | TP | |||||
UE Fondamentales 1.1 | 90 | 6 | 1.5 | 1.5 | 3 | 3 | 6 |
Course Description:
This course introduces basic programming techniques with a high-level programming language. Topics include a general introduction to computers and programming languages, development process, variables, data types, expressions and structures of flow control, functions/procedures, text files, arrays, and pointers.
Prerequisite :
Evaluation Method : Coursework (40 %) + Final Exam (60 %)
Course Content
Introduction of Algorithmic and Problem Solving
Overview of algorithmic thinking and problem-solving techniques
Steps involved in problem-solving
Introduction to programming concepts
Introduction to Programming with C++
Basics of C++ programming language
Variables, data types, and expressions
Input and output operations using standard streams
Basic arithmetic operations
Control Structures
Conditional statements (if-else, switch-case)
Looping and iteration (while, for)
Solving simple problems using control structure constructs
Functions and Modular Programming
Introduction to functions
Function declaration, definition, and calling
Variable scopes
Parameter passing (by value, by reference)
Writing reusable code with functions
Arrays and Strings
Introduction to arrays
Working with one-dimensional arrays
Manipulating strings and string operations
Loop-based algorithms and iterations
Solving problems using loops and iterations
Introduction to Recursion
Advanced Topics (Algorithms and static data structures)
Struct and enum
Arrays and multidimensional arrays
Basic operations on arrays (traversal, insertion, deletion, search)
Sorting algorithm (bubble sort)
Searching algorithm (linear search)
File Handling and Streams
Paul J. Deitel and Harvey Deitel, C++ How to Program (10th Edition). Pearson Education, 2016.
Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ Programming Language, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2013.